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Poker Notes

10 Unwritten Poker Rules You Should Never Break part 2: Numbers 6 - 10

Like any endeavor poker has quite a few “unwritten rules”. Nobody would expect casual players to be aware of these policies, but seasoned pros and serious players should definitely make sure they are not breaking any of these cardinal sins. It’s also your responsibility as a serious poker player to quietly inform new players about these rules -after the fact of course– and call-out any player who knowingly violates them.

6.      Don’t give away information about a hand in progress

Most players know not to discuss a hand while it’s in progress, or flash their cards, but many players are prone to give away this information without realizing it. A sigh when two Tens hit the board is a clear indication to your opponents that you folded one of remaining Tens. Showing your folded cards, whispering to another player, all of these things give off information about what you held in your hand.

7.      Be prepared to act in a timely manner

When it’s your turn to act it is a common courtesy to the rest of the table to act in a timely fashion -especially if the game takes a fee based on time in lieu of a rake. This means you should be concentrating on the game and not texting, reading the newspaper or doing anything else that will distract you from the game. It’s also bad form to “Hollywood” your decisions (like they do on TV); this act gets old very quick, and does nothing but slow down the game.

8.      Remember, hygiene is important

This one seems like common sense, but when you’re dealing with gamblers who have been up for a while you’d be surprised how sour some players can get; and I don’t mean their attitudes, which can also turn sour after a prolonged period of time at the poker tables! Show some common courtesy and freshen up if you’ve been at the tables for days on end.

9.      Always respect the game

When you engage in a game of poker you should conduct yourself with pride and dignity, and respect the other players, dealers, and floor staff. This means that you don’t fly off the handle; gripe and moan; insult other players; insult the dealers; and so forth. Poker will often kick you in the stomach, and when it does you have to take it… Like a professional.

10.  Don’t tie up a seat when you have no intention of playing

The final unwritten rule of poker is when you wander away from the table -or sit-out online-knowing full well you have played your last hand for the evening. Be courteous to the other players in the game, and the players on the waiting list, and don’t tie up the seat when a warm body with green money could be sitting in it. Your shenanigans could easily cause the game to break if a couple of players leave while you’re sitting out; this often causes other players to leave as the game is getting short-handed.

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