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Poker Notes

The Better Argument for Online Poker: Skill or Personal Freedoms

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  • Published April 19th, 2010 in Poker

With online poker being debated at the state and federal level, proponents of a legalized and regulated online poker industry seem to be taking the wrong tack to try to convince the opposition. The main argument being flouted is that poker is a game of skill, which however true it might be, is a completely non-issue to conservatives who fear for “Family Values” and sinful behavior, and are completely against regulating the industry and actually want it completely outlawed.

Proponents of legalized online poker include Libertarians, Liberals, and of course poker players -which is a much larger constituency than you would at first think: Lined up on the other side are the Family values advocates and professional sports leagues who fear legalized online gaming of any kind could interfere with the integrity of their games, even though it does no such thing in Europe, and the Tim Donaghy scandal in the NBA and points-shaving in the college ranks, can hardly be linked to online gambling.

One of the biggest hurdles is that most middle-of-the-road Americans really don’t care about this issue one way or the other -unlike land-based casinos that could appear in the backyard, online poker is more of an abstract issue– so it’s basically the bases of the political parties that will decide the issue by how much pressure and support they can give the politicians.

I think the best way to take on the opponents of a legalized online poker world is to attack them on another conservative issue, personal freedoms. So while democrats and moderates on the fence may be convinced with some data on the skill involved in online poker, the more conservative lawmakers simply aren’t going to be moved an inch by this argument.

However, the personal freedom aspect turns this issue into a lose/lose argument for its opponents, because, as poker often does to people, they are caught between a rock and a hard place as they are torn between two of their core principles. So, since whichever way they vote on the issue they will be angering a core group of constituents, perhaps it’s a third issue involved in the debate that can force their hand.

The final issue is a simple one: Cash Money! In these woeful economic times the added revenue at both the State and federal level that will be brought in from taxation and licensing fees is overwhelming. With states struggling with massive budget deficits -something the federal government is constantly embroiled in-the idea of legalizing online poker to save vital jobs like teachers, fire and police kind of makes the whole “its gambling” argument moot. Basically, who cares if you think its gambling we need the money!

States are making the online poker push on the heels of numerous states adding casinos, or expanding gambling from simply slots or racing to full casinos -which only adds to the online poker argument; why is it legal to gamble here, but not there. With very little backlash over these gaming expansions the next logical step is to pave the way for online gaming.

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