Top 10 Things Every Poker Player Should Be Aware Of: Part 3 of 3
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- Published April 23rd, 2010 in Poker Strategy & Tips
In part 1 of this series we discussed the following three things poker players need to be aware of in order to succeed at the poker tables: The importance of kickers; the price of the rake; and the difference between raised pots and limped pots.
In part 2, four more topics were discussed: The outcome doesn’t matter; risk to reward; tight play vs. loose play; and the difference between ‘outs’ and ‘clean outs’.
In this the final installment I will list the final three things poker players need to be aware of, starting with number 8:
8. Aggression always carries the day
You’ll see a number of different playing styles at the poker tables, and while most of the styles of play are a recipe for disaster, you’ll see quite a few conflicting strategies actually succeed: Some players can win playing tight/aggressive; some players can playing a loose/aggressive style; and some gifted players can even win playing am ultra-loose/aggressive style. But, if you take a look at those winning style you’ll notice there is one thing all of these styles have in common; aggression!
Without aggression you really have no shot at winning at the poker tables. Not only does aggressive play increase the size of the pot, but in poker you have to be able to win without the best hand to show a profit. Relying on having the best hand isn’t enough to overcome your losses, and the only way you can win without the best hand is to force other people to fold through aggressive betting.
9. What position can do for you
Position gives you a huge advantage in poker. I compare having position to using your lifelines in the game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Basically having position narrows down the possibilities you will be faced with, since you already know what your opponent has done. It also makes your opponent(s) decisions a whole lot harder, since there is an unknown quantity (you) still to act.
One of the best lines poker theoretician Mike Caro ever had about poker is that “Money flows clockwise around a poker table”; sure there will be instances where it goes the other way, but if you were to examine a chart of every poker game ever played you would see that the money does indeed go clockwise; to the players who have position on their opponents.
10. Bad players give bad beats; good players take them
This sort of goes along with a previous point -that the outcome doesn’t matter-but it’s important you understand that bad players MUST be rewarded from time to time or they will not make these boneheaded plays. If you want to win in poker you have to deal with bad beats; you’re not going to win much money by playing in a game where people always make the correct choices!
- Posted in: Poker Strategy & Tips
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