1. Black sunglasses
You cant pull off being a poker player these days without a good pair of sunglasses. |
2. Beer
Everyone knows that beer is a mans best friend, wait ” wasn’t it a dog” it doesn’t matter. For this kickass list we’ll just says its beer. Enough said. |


3. Secret weapon
Any good brawler knows that the power of a punch depends both on his muscle and the extra mile he’s willing to go to win. Similarly for the poker players that are willing to win no matter what, we recommend brass knuckles. Boy do they come in handy when you get sucked out for all your chips and you ready
to do some hurt’n at your .50/$1.00 no limit table.
4. Prepaid Cell Phone
This is a must for any poker player. If you are really bad at poker and you have to call your mom ( and you will at some time) & whine about your bad beat and beg for rent money. Then I’m sure you cant afford a real cell phone, cable tv, or a car. So like I said prepaid is your only answer. |
5. Walkman
All serious poker players know that you are going to get board at a tournament at some point so why not listen to some really kickass tunes. Forget an mp3 player or ipod there “so over rated”. Try a good ol fashion sony walkman. You will be the envy of the room and they look kickass. |
6. Card Protector
Do you have a kickass card protector? Greg Raymer uses a fossil, Jerry Yang uses a family photo. They serve a purpose to protect your cards from the dealer. But do these really help you play better.Not everyone can be intimidating at the table like Doyle Brunson so why not a card protector that can be used to help intimidate players. why not a human skull this should set your table on full tilt. Push it to the limit, go for it full size human skull why not!! Lets play some Ruff Poker. |
7. WSOP Lick’em Tattoo Bracelet
Ok so the most sought after kick ass accessories has to be a WSOP bracelet…Tattoo. Now most of us will never see one of these for real. But we can dream and pray to the poker gods. So if it helps you feel better keep doing it. But we would rather see you get a WSOP lick’em tattoo set to ease your mind. Its the newest fad in poker. Its easy simple to use and you can wear one or two “you choose”. Just another way you can be feared at the poker table. |
7 KickAss accessories ever poker player cant live without or at least should not have too. Have we missed any?