Poker Profile #2: The Locksmith

Friend or Foe?

A locksmith is neither your friend, nor your foe; locksmiths are simply there… A locksmith’s unwillingness to get involved with anything short of a stone cold lock makes them one of the easiest opponents to play against. However, because they play only strong hands you will make very little money from a locksmith, since you will be folding virtually every time they enter a pot! So like I said, basically they are just occupying a seat at the table.

Selectivity & Aggression

A locksmith will play about 10% of the hands they are dealt, and will only continue to put money in the pot when they are very likely to be ahead, and will only raise or re-raise with the nuts. Tread very lightly when a locksmith calls a bet, and run for the hills if they raise you!

A locksmith is the tightest of the tight, and even though they will raise virtually every hand they play they are also extremely passive. How can they be passive when they raise every hand? Their passivity comes from their fear: Locksmiths are always fearful you have the one hand that can beat them, and while they are willing to put the first bet in the pot, they are very reluctant to re-raise without the nuts.

How small a range is 10%? In Hold’ Em that would be a range of ATs+, AJo+, 88+. You’re not going to see a locksmith turn over 9To or 55; if you do, you better rethink your classification of that player!


By nature locksmiths are extremely predictable; their small range of playable hands virtually eliminates any deception short of continuation bets and check-raises. Furthermore, if their uber-tight play digs them a hole, their passive play buries them in it since they are unlikely to continuation bet or check-raise!

Poker IQ

Locksmiths will have a varying Poker IQ. Some locksmiths just play a completely vanilla game with no adjustments, since they figure all you need to do is start with the best hand. However, some other locksmiths will have a better grasp on poker theory, and are willing to make adjustments to their specific opponents.


The best way to deal with a locksmith is to just avoid them. If you do find yourself in a hand with a locksmith you should leave all the fancy plays at home, and play more passively: They either have a lock hand and are going to raise you, have a strong hand and are going to call your bet, or have a weak hand and are going to fold.

Locksmiths will also give you a lot of free-cards, so don’t waste your money semi-bluffing, just take your free card and try to make your hand.

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  • Posted in: Poker Strategy & Tips
  • Comments: 1
  1. locksmith service said on July 28th, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    Security is a growing concern nowadays, and a locksmith plays an integral role in protecting lives and possessions. Locksmiths not only help people out of difficult situations, but they also install, duplicate keys, build, and repair locks and other security devices.